PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation by Sedona Taphouse B. Presentation by Hand & Stone Spa C. Presentation by Save the Children D. Presentation of 3/10/15-3/9/16 MS4 Report
PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation by Sedona Taphouse B. Presentation by Hand & Stone Spa C. Presentation by Save the Children D. Presentation of 3/10/15-3/9/16 MS4 Report
Continuation of Public Hearing on PLL F-2016 - Adaptive Re-use of Religious/Educational Buildings
Resolution Reallocating Funds within Appropriations to Provide for Salary Increases for Non-Union Employees
Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds for Approximately Forty (40) Scott Bottles for the Fire Department
Resolution Scheduling Public Hearing on PLL I-2016 to Amend Chapter 150 Dance Halls and Chapter 254 Noise Indoor vs. Outdoor Cabarets, Hours, Music Restrictions, Requirements for a Decibel Meter to be Onsite, Decibel Levels, Testing Locations and Violations
Resolution Authorizing Westchester Joint Water Works Projects 1. A-1326 Water infrastructure replacements related to 2016 planned paving within VOM; and 2. A- 1325 Replacement of approximately 250 feet of asbestos water main on Orchard Street.
Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
7. REPORT FROM CLERK-TREASURER A. Resignation of Member of the Arts Council 8. REPORT FROM VILLAGE ATTORNEY A. None
MINUTES - COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES A. Minutes of the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting of April 25 and Work Session of May 2, 2016 B. Minutes of the Board of Architectural Review Meetings of March 17 and April 5, 2016 C. Minutes of the Tree Committee Meeting of April 5, 2016 D. Minutes of the Planning Board Meetings of March 3 and March 23, 2016 E. Minutes of the Harbor and Coastal Zone Management Commission Meeting of February 23, 2016 F. Minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting of March 3, 2016 G. Minutes of Ad Hoc Deer Committee Meeting of March 8, 2016 ADJOURN
PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation by Sedona Taphouse B. Presentation by Hand & Stone Spa C. Presentation by Save the Children D. Presentation of 3/10/15-3/9/16 MS4 Report
PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation by Sedona Taphouse B. Presentation by Hand & Stone Spa C. Presentation by Save the Children D. Presentation of 3/10/15-3/9/16 MS4 Report
Continuation of Public Hearing on PLL F-2016 - Adaptive Re-use of Religious/Educational Buildings
Resolution Reallocating Funds within Appropriations to Provide for Salary Increases for Non-Union Employees
Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds for Approximately Forty (40) Scott Bottles for the Fire Department
Resolution Scheduling Public Hearing on PLL I-2016 to Amend Chapter 150 Dance Halls and Chapter 254 Noise Indoor vs. Outdoor Cabarets, Hours, Music Restrictions, Requirements for a Decibel Meter to be Onsite, Decibel Levels, Testing Locations and Violations
Resolution Authorizing Westchester Joint Water Works Projects 1. A-1326 Water infrastructure replacements related to 2016 planned paving within VOM; and 2. A- 1325 Replacement of approximately 250 feet of asbestos water main on Orchard Street.
Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
7. REPORT FROM CLERK-TREASURER A. Resignation of Member of the Arts Council 8. REPORT FROM VILLAGE ATTORNEY A. None
MINUTES - COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES A. Minutes of the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting of April 25 and Work Session of May 2, 2016 B. Minutes of the Board of Architectural Review Meetings of March 17 and April 5, 2016 C. Minutes of the Tree Committee Meeting of April 5, 2016 D. Minutes of the Planning Board Meetings of March 3 and March 23, 2016 E. Minutes of the Harbor and Coastal Zone Management Commission Meeting of February 23, 2016 F. Minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting of March 3, 2016 G. Minutes of Ad Hoc Deer Committee Meeting of March 8, 2016 ADJOURN