OLD BUSINESS Revised Resolution to Accept Funding Donations for Canine Program and Establish Trust Fund
NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion Regarding Board of Trustees Recommendations to the NYS Department of State regarding a Determination of Consistency related to the Army Corps of Engineers Village of Mamaroneck Flood Remediation Study of the Mamaroneck and Sheldrake Rivers, including Inconsistency decision by the HCZMC for ACE Study (HCZMC invited to attend) B. Resolution to Establish Sewer Fund
6. REPORT FROM VILLAGE MANAGER A. File for the Record - Agreement with Westchester County for Snow and Ice Removal from County Roads B. File for the Record - Agreement with Merje for Phase 2 of Wayfinding Program C. File for the Record - Agreement with HydroQuest to provide Hydrologic Consulting Services D. File for the Record - Urban & Community Forestry Grant Contract No. DEC01- T00013GG-3350000 E. File for the Record - Notice of Recorded Lien for 2011 Smeal 7. REPORT FROM CLERK-TREASURER A. None 8. REPORT FROM VILLAGE ATTORNEY A. Filing of Local Laws 2 and 3 2016 with the Secretary of State 9. MINUTES - COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES A. Minutes of the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting of March 14 and Work Session of March 21, 2016 B. Minutes of the Planning Board Meeting of February 24, 2016 C. Minutes of the Traffic Commission Meeting of February 11, 2016 D. Minutes of the Arts Council Meeting of February 11, 2016 ADJOURN
OLD BUSINESS Revised Resolution to Accept Funding Donations for Canine Program and Establish Trust Fund
NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion Regarding Board of Trustees Recommendations to the NYS Department of State regarding a Determination of Consistency related to the Army Corps of Engineers Village of Mamaroneck Flood Remediation Study of the Mamaroneck and Sheldrake Rivers, including Inconsistency decision by the HCZMC for ACE Study (HCZMC invited to attend) B. Resolution to Establish Sewer Fund
6. REPORT FROM VILLAGE MANAGER A. File for the Record - Agreement with Westchester County for Snow and Ice Removal from County Roads B. File for the Record - Agreement with Merje for Phase 2 of Wayfinding Program C. File for the Record - Agreement with HydroQuest to provide Hydrologic Consulting Services D. File for the Record - Urban & Community Forestry Grant Contract No. DEC01- T00013GG-3350000 E. File for the Record - Notice of Recorded Lien for 2011 Smeal 7. REPORT FROM CLERK-TREASURER A. None 8. REPORT FROM VILLAGE ATTORNEY A. Filing of Local Laws 2 and 3 2016 with the Secretary of State 9. MINUTES - COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES A. Minutes of the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting of March 14 and Work Session of March 21, 2016 B. Minutes of the Planning Board Meeting of February 24, 2016 C. Minutes of the Traffic Commission Meeting of February 11, 2016 D. Minutes of the Arts Council Meeting of February 11, 2016 ADJOURN