A. Mamaroneck Elks $1,000 Donation for Camp Scholarships B. Coach Chiapparelli – Championship Rings C. CFTE Presentation on MS-4 Report
PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Continuation of Public Hearing on Updated Amended Proposal for PLL-A 2015 Regarding the TOD Zoning Law B. Continuation of Public Hearing on PLL H-2015 - to Amend Provisions of the RM- 3 Zone
AUDIT OF BILLS A. Addendum Item 1 B. Addendum Item 2 C. Abstract of Audited Vouchers Fiscal Year 2015 D. Abstract of Pre-paid Vouchers E. Abstract of Audited Vouchers Fiscal Year 2016
Amended Resolution Referring JSL Madison to Planning Board; and Review of Planning Board Recommendation that it act as Lead Agency
Resolution Authorizing Mamaroneck Avenue School Recommendations regarding Parking and Traffic Reconfigurations
Resolution Authorizing the Establishment of a Marine Education Center (MEC) Advisory Committee
Resolution Authorizing the Appropriation of Funding Totaling $18,000 for Flooring Replacement for Columbia Firehouse Apparatus Bay
Resolution Appropriating Fund Balance and Adopting Amended Total Levy to Address Assessment Corrections; to Correct Rye Town Assessments to Credit or Refund Overcharges and Reduce the Levy
Resolution Authorizing Tax Certiorari Settlements with (1) 426-38 Mamaroneck Avenue and (2) Fenimore Gardens - 101 Fenimore Road
REPORT FROM VILLAGE MANAGER A. File for the Record - West Basin Pump Station Service Area Inflow and Infiltration Report B. File for the Record - Permit from NYSDEC for the use of Pesticides for Aquatic Insects C. File for the Record - Agreement w/Northeast Association Management, Inc. for Third Party Administration
MINUTES - COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES A. Minutes of the Board of Trustees Regular Meetings of June 8 & 22 and Work Session of May 4, 2015 B. Minutes of Planning Board Meeting of June 10, 2015 C. Minutes of the HCZMC Meetings of July 16, 2014 and May 20, 2015 D. Minutes of the Tree Committee Meeting of May 5, 2015
A. Mamaroneck Elks $1,000 Donation for Camp Scholarships B. Coach Chiapparelli – Championship Rings C. CFTE Presentation on MS-4 Report
PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Continuation of Public Hearing on Updated Amended Proposal for PLL-A 2015 Regarding the TOD Zoning Law B. Continuation of Public Hearing on PLL H-2015 - to Amend Provisions of the RM- 3 Zone
AUDIT OF BILLS A. Addendum Item 1 B. Addendum Item 2 C. Abstract of Audited Vouchers Fiscal Year 2015 D. Abstract of Pre-paid Vouchers E. Abstract of Audited Vouchers Fiscal Year 2016
Amended Resolution Referring JSL Madison to Planning Board; and Review of Planning Board Recommendation that it act as Lead Agency
Resolution Authorizing Mamaroneck Avenue School Recommendations regarding Parking and Traffic Reconfigurations
Resolution Authorizing the Establishment of a Marine Education Center (MEC) Advisory Committee
Resolution Authorizing the Appropriation of Funding Totaling $18,000 for Flooring Replacement for Columbia Firehouse Apparatus Bay
Resolution Appropriating Fund Balance and Adopting Amended Total Levy to Address Assessment Corrections; to Correct Rye Town Assessments to Credit or Refund Overcharges and Reduce the Levy
Resolution Authorizing Tax Certiorari Settlements with (1) 426-38 Mamaroneck Avenue and (2) Fenimore Gardens - 101 Fenimore Road
REPORT FROM VILLAGE MANAGER A. File for the Record - West Basin Pump Station Service Area Inflow and Infiltration Report B. File for the Record - Permit from NYSDEC for the use of Pesticides for Aquatic Insects C. File for the Record - Agreement w/Northeast Association Management, Inc. for Third Party Administration
MINUTES - COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES A. Minutes of the Board of Trustees Regular Meetings of June 8 & 22 and Work Session of May 4, 2015 B. Minutes of Planning Board Meeting of June 10, 2015 C. Minutes of the HCZMC Meetings of July 16, 2014 and May 20, 2015 D. Minutes of the Tree Committee Meeting of May 5, 2015