MAYOR'S REPORT- THIS IS MAMARONECK A. Healing our Hero's B. Neighborhood Computer Services
Resolution Authorizing Request from Westchester Day School for 5 K Race on June 14th; Mile Option on WDS Property
Continuation of Public Hearing on Updated Amended Proposal for PLL-A 2015 Regarding the TOD Zoning Law
OLD BUSINESS A. Reconsideration of PLL-G Amendment to Harbor Island Scenic Overlay District B. Presentation of MS-4 Report
Resolution Authorizing Insurance Renewals (1) Retention of General Liability Renewals & (2) Workers Comp Insurances
Resolution Supporting New York State Proposed Legislation to Improve Regulations re: Zombie Property
Resolution Authorizing the Village to Retain Special Counsel to Assist with the Jefferson Avenue Bridge Litigation
Resolution Authorizing Funding for Village Stormwater System Correction Project on Grade Street and Jefferson Ave.
Resolution Authorizing an Inter-Municipal Agreement with the Town of Mamaroneck for a Joint Paving Contract
Resolution Requesting Home Rule Legislation to allow the Village to have a seat at the table re: Certiorari and SCARS
REPORT FROM CLERK-TREASURER A. Reminder that General Parking Stickers (GP, GPON, ON, GPI and Taxi ON) will expire on May 31, 2015 B. Reminder that First Half Village Property Taxes are Due on or before July 1, 2015
MINUTES - COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES A. Minutes of the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting of May 11, 2015 B. Minutes of the Planning Board Meeting of April 22, 2015 C. Minutes of the Board of Architectural Review Meetings of April 7 & April 16, 2015 D. Minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals Meetings of January 6 & February 5, 2015 E. Minutes of the HCZM Meetings of June 18 and September 9, 2014 ADJOURN
MAYOR'S REPORT- THIS IS MAMARONECK A. Healing our Hero's B. Neighborhood Computer Services
Resolution Authorizing Request from Westchester Day School for 5 K Race on June 14th; Mile Option on WDS Property
Continuation of Public Hearing on Updated Amended Proposal for PLL-A 2015 Regarding the TOD Zoning Law
OLD BUSINESS A. Reconsideration of PLL-G Amendment to Harbor Island Scenic Overlay District B. Presentation of MS-4 Report
Resolution Authorizing Insurance Renewals (1) Retention of General Liability Renewals & (2) Workers Comp Insurances
Resolution Supporting New York State Proposed Legislation to Improve Regulations re: Zombie Property
Resolution Authorizing the Village to Retain Special Counsel to Assist with the Jefferson Avenue Bridge Litigation
Resolution Authorizing Funding for Village Stormwater System Correction Project on Grade Street and Jefferson Ave.
Resolution Authorizing an Inter-Municipal Agreement with the Town of Mamaroneck for a Joint Paving Contract
Resolution Requesting Home Rule Legislation to allow the Village to have a seat at the table re: Certiorari and SCARS
REPORT FROM CLERK-TREASURER A. Reminder that General Parking Stickers (GP, GPON, ON, GPI and Taxi ON) will expire on May 31, 2015 B. Reminder that First Half Village Property Taxes are Due on or before July 1, 2015
MINUTES - COMMISSIONS, BOARDS, COMMITTEES A. Minutes of the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting of May 11, 2015 B. Minutes of the Planning Board Meeting of April 22, 2015 C. Minutes of the Board of Architectural Review Meetings of April 7 & April 16, 2015 D. Minutes of the Zoning Board of Appeals Meetings of January 6 & February 5, 2015 E. Minutes of the HCZM Meetings of June 18 and September 9, 2014 ADJOURN